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以色列 5 天行程- 11 月份
explore food in Israel

Monday, 特拉维夫
Food Tour at Lewinsky Spice Market 特拉维夫

Lewinsky 香料市场食物之旅

Lunch at a local restaurant 当地餐馆午餐

Visit Tel-Aviv "White city tour": Bauhaus on Rothschild

Boulevard, Rabin Square, Tel Aviv Port 参观特拉维夫
Overnight: Tel Aviv 住宿: 特拉维夫


Tuesday,  海法和雅法
前往海法约 70 分钟
Tour at Bahai Gardens and German Colony in Haifa 参观巴哈伊花园,世界文化遗产,地
Lunch at a local restaurant 当地餐馆午餐
前往雅法约 80 分钟
Visit the old city of Jaffa: Old city of Jaffa, Jaffa port, Neve Tzedek 参观雅法古城,世界上
Visit Carmel Market 参观特拉维夫 Carmel 市场
Overnight: Tel Aviv 住宿: 特拉维夫

Wednesday –耶路撒冷
前往耶路撒冷约 60 分钟
Mount of Olives observation point 橄榄山瞭望台
Full old city tour: The Jewish quarter, Western wall,
Church of the Holy Sepulcher and more 老城游览路
Lunch at a local restaurant 当地餐馆享用午餐
Visit Jerusalem famous Market "Mahane Yehuda" 参
Overnight: Tel Aviv 住宿: 特拉维夫

Thursday,- 沙漠活动
前往密支佩拉蒙约 2.5 个小时
Visit Mitzpe Ramon 参观密支佩拉蒙
Desert Jeep Trip 沙漠吉普之旅

Lunch at a local restaurant 当地餐馆享用午餐
Visit a local goat farm 参观山羊农场尝本地的奶酪
Overnight: Dead Sea 住宿: 死海

Friday – 死海
Enjoy the hotel pools, facilities and Dead Sea private beach 漂浮若梦-尽享死海艳阳
Visit AHAVA dead sea factory store 死海 AHAVA 化妆品工厂商店
Visit Kibbutz Ein-Gedi 参观 Ein Gedi 基布兹
Lunch at the kibbutz 基布兹吃的午餐
Drive to the airport and departure to China 前往本古里安机场,飞返中国


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